Family Updates

In the midst of all of the summer ministry, we have had church camp, friends come over to play, and soccer camp.Lily is loving school, and Easton and Barrett have joined Karate at YMCA, they are learning more Japanese and having fun learning a new skill.

Tristen and Sierra White

Our newest teammates the White’s have made it to Japan they came during the week of VBS! We were able to help them get settled it was great Japanese practice and we are really looking forward to working with them this year!


The past few years I have taken the task of coordinating the VBS at Hope Alive. Between decorating and making sure all the areas have volunteers, buying supplies, and planning out how to reach new kids and families, it is no easy task. But God and His wonderful people...

Bethel Team

Bethel Team: Just a few days after E-team left, my home church sent a power team to Japan. I may be partial but it was the best team we have had come to the field since we have been here! Their work ethic was superb, they came with open hearts and left completely...


E-TEAM: Eteam was here for a couple weeks in June, they helped many churches in our area with great outreach events, the helped Hope Alive with a block party, English Game night, Music meetup, and cooking in English. On Sundays they came and helped with many other...

Taking down walls!

This month we have been busy taking down walls and expanding our space in the worship area of the church!! Multiple Sundays we are seeeing over 80 people and a few times over 100! We are so thankful for our partnerships and how God has blessed our ministry in Japan!

Welcome a New Teammate!

New staff at Hope Alive! Watch this video and learn how you can be apart of helping him get his education to become a pastor! You can use this GIVE link to start partnering with him now!  

December/ January Updates

The last 2 months have been really busy! We started our language learning which is now our main job here in Japan for the next 2 years. If you have ever had this experience then you know just how hard it is not only to learn the language but to actually be able to...

Rejoice with us over 3 Baptism’s at Hope Alive!

We are reminded daily why God has led us to Japan, but yesterday was an overwhelmingly huge confirmation for us! 3 Baptisms! It was a beautiful service and Hope Alive had 93 in attendance to celebrate these sweet friends! Please pray for them, often with baptisms we...


If you don't follow us on Facebook then you may not know that we are officially fully funded! We want to say thank you for praying with us that God would provide the funds by August!!! We are rejoicing! We just want to share that in the month of July we were only 77%...