The past few years I have taken the task of coordinating the VBS at Hope Alive. Between decorating and making sure all the areas have volunteers, buying supplies, and planning out how to reach new kids and families, it is no easy task. But God and His wonderful people working at Hope Alive helped make a good event become a GREAT event. Emily and Osam put a tree and a wave in our lobby area, translated everything, took pictures and much more. Jack and Ashley as usual, used their incredible gifts with children and taught them music and Bible lessons. They did countless hours of planning dramas and their incredible daughter Callie helped with so much background work. I could not do it without them all. On top of all that because many of our regular Hope Alive Volunteers were out of town we really had to get creative on getting help in all the areas. Our other area missionaries took time out of their busy schedules to help us! Thankful for The Carneys and Shannon! The lady in the photo above and her sister have been coming to our english time and offered to help us with VBS, they are not Christians but after a week one of them has mentioned an interest in Christianity, VBS isn’t just for kids, adults lives can be changed as well, between the beginning of the week and the end we could already visually see a difference in them. Please pray for them!

This year our prayer was that God would send 80 children to our VBS to hear the Gospel, with many of our Hope Alive families stateside we knew this was a big prayer, we had around 87 kids show up! We are so thankful for Gods continued answer to prayers! Some kids have started joining our Sunday service!