Serving in Tokorozawa, Japan at Hope Alive Church.
Japan is the 2nd largest UPG (unreached people group) in the world! This means that less than 2% of a population claims Christianity. In Japan this number is less than 1%.
While we are stateside we are fundraising to go back to Japan. Please consider partnering with us and help spread the gospel to the Japanese people.
By partnering with us you are helping spread the gospel to the unreached people of Japan.
- Prayer Supporters 99%
- One-Time Gifts 100%
- Monthly Supporters 100%
- Total Funds 100%
Pray for us as we start back language study. After an amazing summer of ministry it’s going to be difficult to go back that routine.
Pray for good transitions with new team members and as we look ahead to coming home for stateside assignment in December.
Pray for our young Christians at Hope Alive and that we would be able to disciple them well.